Экскурсия по Штутгарту на русском языке
Stuttgart city tour in Russian
Магистр искусств Елена Штайнеманн окончила в 2000 г. Штутгартский университет и с 2001 г. работала редактором в издательстве Хатье-Кантц, a затем научным сотрудником Государственного музея земли Вюртемберг. С 2014 года – экскурсовод в Штутгартской государственной картинной галереи, в Музеe искусств, в Штутгарт Маркетинг ООО, пишет статьи для журналов и каталогов по искусству, а также хучaствует в различных художественных проектах музеев и культурных учреждений Штутгарта и региона. Пешеходные экскурсии по Штутгарту:
- Исторический Штутгарт
- Штутгарт каким он был и какой он сталл
- По злачным местам: район Бонненфиртель вчера и сегодня
- Династические отношения: Романовы и Вюртемберги
В штутгартских музеях (постоянная экспозиция и выставки):
- Штутгартская государственная картинная галерeя
- Штутгартский музей искусств
- Государственный музей земли Вюртемберг в Старом замке
В пригородах:
- Ротенберг-капелла – усыпальница королевы Екатерины
- Эсслинген – швабская Венеция
- Музей моды во Дворце-резиденции Людвигсбург
- Город Тюбинген и замок Бабенхаузен
Elena Steinemann, art historian, completed her studies at Stuttgart University in 2000 with a Master of Arts degree. She then worked as an editor for Hatje Cantz Verlag and as a co-curator for the Württemberg State Museum. Since 2014, she has worked as a freelance city and museum guide for Stuttgart Marketing GmbH, the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, the Stuttgarter Kunstmuseum and various tour operators; she also regularly participates in a wide variety of art projects for museums and cultural institutions in the region.
- Stuttgart. Historical tour
- Stuttgart as it is and as it once was
- This is where the demimonde met: Stuttgart’s Bohnenviertel yesterday and today
- Dynastic relationships: the Romanovs and Württemberg
- The burial chapel on the Württemberg
- Esslingen – the Swabian Venice
- The Fashion Museum in Ludwigsburg Residential Palace
- Guided tours of the Staatsgalerie (collection and temporary exhibitions)
- Guided tours of the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (collection and temporary exhibitions)
- Württemberg State Museum
- Tübingen and Bebenhausen
Further tours and museums on request
Burial chapel on the Württemberg
The Counts of Württemberg have resided on this hilltop since the end of the 11th century, presumably after immigrating here from Luxembourg. Konrad von Wirtemberg, who married Luitgard von Beutelsbach in 1070, is mentioned as the first Württemberger. Three rings of walls fortified the castle complex, which was destroyed at the beginning of the 14th century by Esslingen and Rudolf von Habsburg’s imperial troops. This prompted the counts of Württemberg to retreat to the impassable and marshy Nesenbach valley, where they maintained a stud farm, the Stutengarten (=Stuttgart), and developed it into their new residence. They were protected on three sides by hills and only had to defend themselves to the east, which explains the impossible situation of today’s major city and state capital.
Stuttgart Trade Fair
The optimal location, opposite Stuttgart Airport, offers a total exhibition area of approx. 120,000 m², including a high-rise hall with 20,000 m² and 8 standard halls with 10,000 m² each. The congress center, which, like the entrance area, is located directly at the exhibition site, has a variable area of 10,000 m², the conference rooms can be divided up according to the needs of the visitors and events with rooms for 25-400 people. The large congress hall offers space for over 2,000 visitors, while the congress hall for up to 5,000 visitors is directly connected to the congress center.